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Getting ready to launch your business


We work with business owners in their pre-launch phase to plan and create the business – getting you ready to launch. 


In the pre-launch phase, we help you decide which business entity will be right for you. You’ll learn how to create an accounting system that will grow with you, and that will track your financials correctly right from the start. You’ll articulate your vision for your company and align your purpose with sound business strategies. You’ll gain an understanding of your market and how you will go about reaching your target customers. Pre-launch gets you ready to start strong!



Gaining Momentum


The Start-up phase of a business is critically important as it can either provide early momentum and spark exciting growth, or it can feel like a drain on the owner’s emotions, time, and finances. Work with us to create solid plans to set you up for successful growth. We help you visualize the entire spectrum from planning, to financial awareness, to team recruitment and growth. We strategize with you on a holistic approach to your business, encouraging you across areas of personal effectiveness as well as business savvy.



Is this business out of control?


It feels exciting and scary – a rapidly growing company can consume nearly all of the owner’s time. Sometimes it feels like the business has a mind of its own, and the owner feels a loss of control. Our business owners in this stage are working with us to ensure their systems and processes are meeting the requirements of their rapidly growing company, yet are flexible enough to handle continued growth. We help owners identify gaps in their strategy, their operations, or their people, so they can strengthen and position themselves for continued growth. 



Intentional movement to the next level


In the “Level up” stage, our business owners have made a conscious decision to move to the next level of their business. They know that this might include looking at the business differently – re-imagining what is possible and how they might achieve their “next level” goal. Moving to a different revenue band, leveling up through additional service or product offerings, or expanding the geographical scope are all potential ways to level up. Our finance and strategy experts work closely with the owner to ensure the processes, team, and operational plans are aligned with the leveled-up vision – and provide the roadmap to get there.



I’m ready to move on – what happens to my business?


Business owners look to exit for a myriad of reasons, and we work through both the emotions and the practicalities of helping them determine “what’s next”. The range includes preparing a company for sale; transferring ownership to the next generation; creating an employee ownership structure; and, closing the business. Our team of advisors work hand in hand with you to assist in making the decision and seeing it through.



The Sweet Spot


For many business owners – moving into a phase of sustained growth is their sweet spot – things in the business are cruising along, and life seems to have balanced. We work with owners in this phase to help them keep their finger on the pulse of their business; anticipate changes in the marketplace; and prepare for unexpected times. Staying vigilant and up to date with processes, systems and people development allows for the sustainability and continued growth of the company.

Start Up
Rapid Growth
Level Up
Exit Planning
Anchor 1

Let's Work Together

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